Bleach is for stains, not hair
AD: Julia Balling
CW: Julia Balling and Ruby Kenney
So, your hair’s a crime scene. A matted mess of knots and products that did more harm than help. You can’t help but think, “where did I go wrong in my routine?”
If only there were a product out there that’s reliable. De-tangle worthy. Accessible. Even decriminalizing of the mess you made.
Pantene is the cure, and it just keeps calling your name. So let’s cross that yellow tape to clean up a crime scene of tangles.
Podcast Activation: Pantene x My Favorite Murder
Pantene is set to collaborate with the wildly popular podcast "My Favorite Murder" (MFM). This lighthearted crime podcast has amassed a devoted following, with its weekly episodes consistently ranking among the Top 10 Comedy Podcasts on iTunes.
Pantene's involvement in this partnership will include a captivating "Episode Takeover," during which Karen and Georgia will humorously delve into their most memorable "Hair Crimes." To complement the podcast experience, Pantene commercials will be seamlessly integrated during the commercial breaks.

Influencer Activation: Mystery Box
Pantene will deliver a "Mystery Box" to hair influencers on TikTok. The influencers will live stream an unboxing of 1 item from the box a day- and follow a special riddle to solve the hair crime. On the final day, the influencer will unlock the limited edition Pantene Anti-Hair Crime Shampoo, in special packaging, unbeknownst it is the same tried and true shampoo on the shelves today.

TV Commercial Spot
Woman's voice: Hello, please come quickly a haircrime has been committed
Ma’m please explain your situation a car will be there as quickly as possible
Woman: I used… his body wash….in my hair!
Pans over- there's caution tape, flashing lights, womans is sitting on her bed in a robe panicking
And crying with dry raggedy hair
Pantene Police is there.
And what brand was it?..police look at the brand on the bottle, then look at eachother..

Podcast/Radio Spot
A quiet suburban neighborhood echoes with screams throughout the night. Neighbors are concerned, questions are raised. And inside what you would deem as your average family home, a crime has taken place.
But this is a crime like no other. Tangled and matted. What some may call, a horrific hair crime.
Who to contact? Where to go? An investigation is in order. An investigation with Pantene.
A shampoo that is so lifesaving, reassuring, and consistent, that even the most distressed of mothers can rely on it. Choose to avoid a crime. Choose to use Pantene today.